Wednesday, January 30, 2013

San Francisco view from Ina Coolbrith Park

What: San Francisco view from Ina Coolbrith Park. Just another magnificent view of San Francisco

When: I was there early Jun. There's no particular time of the year to be here. Pick the best nice partial cloudy day and you are set!

Where/How : As usual, I got here about an hour prior sunset. For this location I tried on 16-35mm lens. At 16mm, the trees around it might get in the frame. Also the buildings and Bay bridge became really small for the frame. I picked 35mm prime and shot with it
Nikon D800
2.5 sec
ISO 400
San Francisco view from Ina Coolbrith Park

Gear update again :)

My taste changed again over the last year. I've looked at picture and became more interested in long end of the business so I tried out byt getting Sigma 150-500mm

Nikon D800 as landscape main, wedding backup
Nikon D700 as wedding main, landscape backup

Nikon 16-35mm f/4
Nikon 24-70mm f/2.8
Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8 VRII
Nikon 20mm f/2.8
Nikon 35mm f/2.0
Nikon 50mm f/1.4
Sigma 85mm f/1.4
Sigma 105mm macro
Sigma 150-500mm f/5-6.3
Sigma fisheye 15mm

Nikon SB-28DX
Nikon SB-600 x2
Nikon SB-900

Cokin P series ND8 (0.9)
Cokin P series GND8 (0.9) soft
Cokin Z series kit U960: filter bag, holder, 121L, 121M, 121S (soft GND 1,2,3 stop respectively)
Lee ND 0.9 proglass
Lee holder (FK) with wide angle ring adapter (WAR77). I've discovered vignetting problem with Cokin holder. I'll post comparison between Cokin Z and Lee in a separate post since UPS still has my package at this point.

Radiopopper JrX trigger x2
Radiopopper JrX receiver studio x3
Radiopopper JrX receiver basic

So far I'm happy with this setup. I mainly grew into prime since it provides better quality image when shooting with D800. My next buy would be Nikon 600mm and sell my Sigma 150-500mm. GO PRIME!