What: Tecolote Ranunculus and California Poppies
When: Flowers blooming schedule depend on weather every year. It normally around late March till mid April. I went to these location April 10 which was a little late for Tecolote Ranunculus but I think it was perfect for California poppies.
Where: Tecolote Ranunculus is about 30 min North of San Diego called The Flower Field and California Poppies is in Lancaster area. The entrance to Poppy park is at the corner Lancaster Rd and 150th st W. But I didn't went straight to the park's parking lot. Once you get on 138 from HWY 5, keep going straight until 170th st. You'll start seeing field of poppies left and right (well mostly right side. I made a right turn onto 130th st and started shooting. It's every where so I don't need to say the exact location.
How: this is what I got. This time I decided not to edit with PS at all. I think the color by my D90 come out just great and I like it the way it is.
First stop was in Colorado island. Of course for the sun rise view. It was not a perfect day to catch sunrise in SD. It was a cloudy day and this is what I had:
Shutter Speed: 25sec
Aperture: F/10
Focal: 24mm
ISO: 100
Exp compensation: 0

Shutter Speed: 4sec
Aperture: F/4
Focal: 31mm
ISO: 100
Exp compensation: 0

Then Flower Field:
Shutter Speed: 1/1250sec
Aperture: F/4.5
Focal: 22mm
ISO: 200
Exp compensation: 0
Shutter Speed: 1/1250sec
Aperture: F/4.5
Focal: 38mm
ISO: 200
Exp compensation: 0
Shutter Speed: 1/200sec
Aperture: F/7.1
Focal: 16mm
ISO: 100
Exp compensation: 0

Headed out to SD beach for sunset
Shutter Speed: 1/160sec
Aperture: F/14
Focal: 20mm
ISO: 100
Exp compensation: -2

Then we headed to California Poppies field in Landcaster. On the way we found this
Shutter Speed: 1/20sec
Aperture: F/10
Focal: 15mm
ISO: 200
Exp compensation: 0

Shutter Speed: 1/40sec
Aperture: F/3.5
Focal: 40mm
ISO: 200
Exp compensation: -2

Shutter Speed: 1/320sec
Aperture: F/5
Focal: 105mm
ISO: 200
Exp compensation: 0

Hi, bro. The beach where u took the sunset picture called Pacific Beach not SD beach :)